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How to join Arbitrum Sepolia and see your tokens


If you don’t have a wallet, create one which is recommended if you want to see test tokens.

Add Arbitrum Sepolia Network to Metamask

Adding Arbitrum Sepolia Network support to MetaMask is a mandatory step in order to add the WXM token, view activity, and make transactions. Make sure you follow our step-by-step guide below for adding the Arbitrum Sepolia Network to MetaMask.

As we are currently in testnet, you need to add the Sepolia Testnet network.

There are two ways to do it:

  1. Using Arbiscan (Only for Desktop with MetaMask browser extension already installed)
  2. Add the Arbitrum Sepolia Testnet network manually

Using Arbiscan


Please make sure you have already installed MetaMask!

This solution works only on desktop with the MetaMask browser extension already installed.

You can add Arbitrum Sepolia Testnet by following the steps below:

Arbitrum Sepolia Testnet

If you face any issues adding Arbitrum Sepolia network, Add the Sepolia Testnet Manually (steps given below).

Add the Arbitrum Sepolia Testnet Manually

To add Arbitrum Sepolia Testnet, click on the Network selection dropdown and then click on Add Network and add a custom network.

In the form that pops up, populate the fields as following:

Once you’ve added the URL in the New Network field, click on Save. You will be directly switched to Arbitrum Sepolia testnet now in the network dropdown list. You can now close the dialog.

Add WXM token in MetaMask

For the WXM token to appear in the wallet UI, you will need to add it manually. Note that your wallet can still receive tokens that haven’t been imported.


Please make sure you have already added the Arbitrum Sepolia Testnet and have connected to it by following the guide above!

  1. First, you will need the following details of the WXM token in order to add it:
    1. Token Contract Address: 0xbacef2640862B42eECcFeAb9Bf750476aE7decc6
    2. Token Symbol: WXM
    3. Token Decimal: 18

You can verify those details on Sepolia Arbiscan.

  1. On MetaMask and click [Import tokens].

  2. Paste in the WXM’s contract address and MetaMask should automatically fill in the rest of the details. If not, add them manually. To finish, click [Add Custom Token].

  3. Click [Import Tokens].

You have now successfully added the WXM token to your MetaMask wallet!

Get some free testnet ETH from a faucet

In order to be able to claim your rewards you will need some testnet ETH for the gas fees. You can take some for free by using this faucet.