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Cell Capacity (CC)

Cell Capacity (CC) is a parameter that is used to define the maximum number of stations that may receive rewards in a specific cell.

Each cell has a predetermined capacity that depends on its unique geospatial features. The capacity of a cell is the maximum number of weather stations that are eligible for rewards in that particular cell. If there are 'N' rewardable weather stations in a cell with a capacity of 'CC' on a given day, and if N exceeds CC, then only the first N stations (ordered first by their reward score, defined in the Reward Mechanism (RM) section, and then by seniority) will receive rewards.


Cell capacity is a parameter that is used to define the maximum number of stations that are eligible for rewards in a specific cell. Every cell has a predefined capacity that depends on its geospatial characteristics*.

Last Claim Time (LCT):

Claim time is a unix timestamp (integer). Last Claim Time is set to the timestamp of the last claim of the station. It is used as a seniority indicator ( LCT1<LCT2 then station 1 is more senior than station 2).

Cell Ranking:

Cell ranking is a way to measure how well a station performs compared to others within the same area, which is about 5 square kilometres (2 square miles) on the planet. Each station is ranked every day based on their reward score and seniority. If a station's ranking is above the capacity threshold, it will be rewarded. However, if the ranking falls below the threshold, the station won't receive any rewards. For instance, in a cell with a maximum capacity of 5 stations, a station that is ranked 3rd would be rewarded, but a station ranked 7th would not receive any rewards.


The cell capacity is currently set to the fixed value of 10 rewardable stations, for every cell.